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《国际人力资源管理》课程公共资源 > 讲义:section09

clarke5个月前 (09-10)人力资源管理318

美华管理传播网  中国经济管理大学 




Last section we discuss the basic properties of selection methods including reliability, validity,  generalizability,  utility and legality.     

In this section we are going to list the common methods used in selecting human resources.

The section then evaluates several common selection methods according to those standards.


Personnel selection is the process by which companies decide who will or will not be allowed into organizations.


What methods can companies use to select employees?


The selection interview is the most widespread selection method employed in organizations.


Nearly all employers also use method for getting background information on applicants before an interview. This information can be solicited through reference checks.


Although automation and other advances in technology have eliminated many physically demanding occupational tasks, many jobs still require certain physical abilitiessuch as pilots and policemen.


Cognitive ability tests differentiate individuals based on their mental rather than physical capacities, which include oral communication ability, mathematical ability, and reasoning ability.


While ability tests attempt to categorize individuals relative to what they can do, personality measures tend to categorize individuals by what they are like.

(For example, a psychological test is to assess whether a job applicant has a strong professional ethics, whether he or she will be frustrated by the job challenge.

It was widely used during the 1940-1950, but was questioned about the rationality and reliability of the prediction of work related behavior. )


Work-sample tests attempt to simulate the job in a prehiring context to observe how the applicant performs in the simulated job.


Many problems that confront society also exist within organizations, which has led to two new kinds of test: honesty tests and drug-use tests.

But the use of selection tools must be relevant to the work, not to survey the private life of applicants.


Here is a video case on selection methods.

After watching the video, would you please tell me what selection methods or process will the company adopt?


Selection interviews are defined as a dialogue initiated by one or more persons to gather information and evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for employment.


A programmer recalled his experience of six hours interview with six separate interviewers in Microsoft, only in the last interview he was asked to write program codes, and the interviewer did not ask him to introduce himself. Needless to say, he was so nervous which may affect his performance during the whole interview.

Any organization must take the utmost care with how it chooses organizational members, however, companies have lots of problems in employee selection.


Although the selection interview is the most widespread selection method employed in organizations, the utility of interview varies.

So how to increase the utility of an interview?


The utility of an interview can be increased by the following suggestions:

Interviews should be structured, standardized, and focused on goals oriented to skills and behaviors that are observable.

Here is the an example of structured interview protocol of American Physical Society.

All the questions and possible answers are predefined, as well as the interview procedures.

The results of this type of interview are valid predictors of job performance.



Ask questions that force the applicant to display job-required behaviors or knowledge.

A situational interview confronts applicants on specific issues, questions, or problems that are likely to arise on the job. 

For example, you might ask a job applicant if he / she is a manager, how does he or she react to his subordinates of being late for work.

Experience-based questions are questions based on past behavior: The interviewer may ask: “Do you have any subordinates who often came late for work? If yes, what did you do at that time?"          

Future-oriented questions are based on assumptions: The interviewer may ask: “If your subordinates often come to late for work, how will you do with him?"

Research showed that experience-based items often outperform future-oriented items in terms of validity.



Use multiple, trained interviewers who can avoid personal bias.

The vice president for Google’s People Operations, notes that “we do everything to minimize the authority and power of the lone manager in making hiring decisions that are going to affect the entire company.”

Although research suggests that recruiters do not have much influence on job choice, this does not mean recruiters cannot have an impact.

Here is a video case on job interview. How do you think about the interviewers in the video?


Many employers now run extended selection exercises as part of their recruitment process such as an assessment center.

At an assessment center, multiple raters or evaluators evaluate candidates’ performance on a number of exercises. 

Assessment centers are usually off-site.

Types of exercises include leaderless group discussion, presentations, in-baskets, and role plays.


The leaderless group discussion is a process in which a team of 5 to 7 employees solves an assigned problem together within a certain time period.

The purpose was to show the importance of cooperation, persuasiveness, and encouragement in a team dynamic.
One of my classmates has attended leader less group discussion when she apply for the sales manager in Volkswagen, she outperformed all other team members and got hired. And now she is the sales director in one of the Volkswagen’s Shanghai Division.


An in-basket exercise includes the kinds of problems, messages, reports, and so on that might be found in a manager’s in-basket.

The candidates are asked to deal with these issues, and  are assessed on how well they prioritized the issues, how creative and responsive they were in dealing with each one.

Performance on an in-basket can be highly revealing.


Oral presentations are widely used in mangers and sales position, as the video about selection interview mentioned.

An oral presentation of a particular topic is given to the job applicants to evaluate his communication skills and influence.

The effective presentation is characterized by such conversational qualities as vocal expressiveness and emphasis, persuasiveness, and encouragement.


Role play is a complex evaluation method, it requires a number of candidates take part in certain management activities, everyone plays a certain role, then simulate a series of activities in the actual work.

The job applicants are rated on their managerial potential.


The first half of this chapter laid out the five standards by which we can judge selection measures.

So in next section we will continue to discuss on other selection methods and their advantages and disadvantages in terms of these standards.



Student responses might include the following:  letter of interest; curriculum vita; phone screening interview with HR or chair of a search committee; 2-3 day on-site interview -- on-site interview with the search committee; on-site interview with students; on-site interview with department chair/faculty; on-site interview with dean; on-site presentation of research or academic lecture to demonstrate teaching skills.  Submission of books written, publications, etc.






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