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《国际人力资源管理》课程公共资源 > 讲义:section10

clarke5个月前 (09-10)人力资源管理279

美华管理传播网  中国经济管理大学 




Consider, for example, a delivery truck driver whose job is to deliver anesthetic gases to medical facilities.

The driver mistakenly hooks up the supply line of a mild anesthetic to the supply line of a hospital's oxygen system, contaminating the hospital's oxygen supply.

It is clearly a performance problem.

Why did the driver make this mistake?

The driver may have done this because of a lack of knowledge about the appropriate line hookup for the anesthetic,

Maybe he is angry over a requested salary increase that his manager recently denied,

Or there are  mislabeled valves for connecting the gas supply.

Among all those possibilities, only the lack of knowledge can be addressed by training.


Training is the process of providing employees with specific skills or correcting deficiencies in their performance.


If the Human Resource Management system is considered as an automobile, the Human Resource Planning is like a steering wheel which decides the direction of the car, the performance management is seen as an engine and compensation management is as fuel, so training and development can been regarded as variators which help to adjust the speed of the car.


Why do companies believe that an investment in training can help them gain a competitive advantage?

Because training can increase employees’ knowledge of competitors and markets and help ensure that employees have the basic skills to work with new technology.

Moreover, training can ensure that the company’s culture emphasizes innovation, creativity, and learning.

Some companies have their own enterprise university to promote employee training, such as HP business school.



Upgrading employees' performance through training is a necessity in today's competitive environment.

What are questions that managers must answer when considering a training process?

1. Who needs training?

Should the company train all the employees or some employees in one specific department, such as HR department, or the marketing team?

Because training is expensive and time consuming, it is important that managers are sure that training will address the problem effectively.

So manager must understand clearly

2 .When is training necessary?

3. What makes training programs effective?

4. What are costs and benefits of different types of methods of training?

5. How are training outcomes measured?



Yet according to the study, only about 7% of the organizations have collected training data and evaluated the return on investment of training program.


Effective training can raise performance, improve morale, and increase an organization's potential.

Poor, inappropriate, or inadequate training can be a source of frustration.

To maximize the benefits of training, managers must closely monitor the training process.


The effective training practices involve more than just choosing the most popular or colorful training method.

Let's look at the steps of training design process

Step 1 is to assess needs to determine if training is needed.

Step 2 involves ensuring that employees have the motivation and basic skills to master training content.

Step 3 includes creating a Learning environment.

Step 4 is to ensure that trainees apply the content of training to their jobs.

Step 5 involves choosing a training method.

Step 6 is evaluation-that is, determining whether training achieved the desired outcomes or financial objectives.

Simply put, the training process can be divided into analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation stages.


A needs assessment determines if training is really necessary. It can also provide information to design the training program.

It consists of organizational analysis, person analysis, and task analysis. 


Organizational analysis involves determining the business appropriateness of training

the company's strategy

its resources available for training

the support by managers

Personnel analysis involves identifying who need training

determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill or ability

Task analysis includes identifying the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to do a job.


Have you found that the personnel analysis has something common with task analysis?

In practice, organizational analysis, person analysis, and task analysis are usually not conducted in an specific order.

However, organizational analysis is usually conducted first.

Person analysis and task analysis are often conducted at the same time.


For example, if the company is installing computer-based manufacturing equipment in one of its plants, it has three possible strategies to have computer-literate employees.

First, the company can use internal consultants to train all affected employees.

Second, the company may decide that it is more cost-effective to identify computer-literate employees by using tests and work samples. Employees who fail the test can be reassigned to other jobs.

Third, if it lacks time or expertise, the company decide to purchase training from a consultant.


The chart illustrates the breakdown of customer complaints concerning customer dissatisfaction with telephone service. 

The HR team involved with the skills training program at IBM found that 75% of employees knew how to put a customer on hold, but fewer than 5% knew how to forward a call.

The HR department categorized the telephone interaction problem into two broad categories: not using phone features, and not treating customers with professional courtesy. 

The HR team then presented its findings and recommended a training strategy to senior management.



Student answers will vary, but may include the following: seek management support, analyze the problem, seek staff support, develop training strategies, heighten awareness of issues,  develop motivational strategies, and convey importance of issue through measurement and recognition programs.




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